California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference 2025

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11th California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference 

   We are excited to invite you to participate in the 2025 California Entrepreneurship Educators
   Conference (CEEC), organized by the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center at San Diego State University
   (SDSU). The conference will be held on the SDSU campus in San Diego from April 23 to April 26, 2025.

 Conference Theme: Futurescape - Navigating Emerging Technologies and Macroenvironment Changes

   CEEC 2025 aims to explore the impact of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, and the
   opportunities created by shifts in the macroenvironment on entrepreneurship. We welcome
   submissions on a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship research and pedagogy, including but
   not limited to:

 Research Topics:

  • Emerging Technologies: The role of Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, and other technologies in
    transforming entrepreneurial ventures.
  •  Inclusiveness: Strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurial ecosystems.
  • International Entrepreneurship: Exploring the challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in
    the global marketplace.
  • Individual and Team Characteristics: Understanding factors that drive entrepreneurial
  • Resourcefulness: Innovative approaches to creating and managing high-performing ventures.

  Pedagogy Topics:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset: Share techniques and evidence demonstrating the impact of fostering
    a proactive and resilient mindset among students.
  • Gamification: Present studies or case examples that show the effectiveness of utilizing game-
    based learning to enhance entrepreneurial education.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Showcase successful integration of AI tools and methodologies into
    entrepreneurship curricula, supported by tangible outcomes.
  • Experiential Learning: Highlight the importance of hands-on experiences and real-world projects
    in entrepreneurship education, backed by concrete results.
  • Entrepreneurship Centers and Incubators: Discuss the role of these institutions in supporting
    and nurturing entrepreneurial talent, with evidence and recommendations.

  Call for Paper Submissions

   We invite submissions of extended abstracts (2 pages; 800 words) that engage with relevant
   entrepreneurship research and pedagogical themes, encourage lively debate and the presentation of
  diverse perspectives, attract the interest of a wide range of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners,
   and address issues that intersect multiple research and pedagogical themes. International faculty
   requiring a visa to travel to the US are encouraged to submit early to allow sufficient time for visa
   application. The submission portal opens on September 24, 2024.


                      Thanks for joining us at CEEC 2024! 






Check out some of the CEEC 2024 speaker slides:



Interested in CEEC 2025? Scan the QR code or click the link below to fill out our interest form and stay updated with all the latest information!