Accredited Investors

For Accredited (*) Investors

The SDAC Investor Track will kick off in Spring 2025. Past SDAC investors and new SDAC investors who join the 2025 SDAC fund will be part of a group, learning how to source deals, screen deals, conduct due diligence, and ultimately invest. SDAC investors will meet weekly throughout the San Diego community and via zoom with experienced investors and experts to go through the process of making an early-stage angel investment. All investor activities are by invitation only. If you are an accredited investor and would like to learn more, please complete the Investor Interest Request Form, or reach out to Cathy Pucher.

*Individuals with a net worth of $1M that doesn’t include the home they live in; OR an income of $200K/$300K for a person/family; OR who hold certain FINRA certifications are considered accredited investors. For the official definition of an accredited investor see the SEC website

Interest form

Interested in learning more?

Check out our Investor Flyer to learn and become an Angel Investor. Join one of the listed dates below for our Informational sessions to learn more, contact [email protected] to sign up for an informational session.

Investor Flyer

Membership Fees for San Diego Angel Conference 2025 Members is $1,500

Membership benefitsPay Membership Fees

The Angel Academy is a day and a half event that will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary for making educated angel investment decisions.

SDSU San Diego Angel Conference Angel Academy

sdac info sessions

To attend one of our informational sessions, send an email to [email protected] to request the date you would like to attend and please complete the Investor Interest Request Form.