Building My Career at SDSU

Gain Experience with an Entrepreneur

Lavin students networking with entrepreneur Brad Chisum at Seedfund dinner.

Lavin students networking with Entrepreneur Charlie Yim at Seedfund dinner.

If you haven't figured out your purpose, figure out your passion. Your passion could lead you right into your purpose. The path to becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy one. One must be committed to the journey of finding the purpose of whatever endeavor he or she wants to pursue. The team at the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center is committed to helping you find your passion and support you on your entrepreneurial journey.  

When building your career it is important to identify what you find meaningful and inspiring. Finding a field of interest that you are passionate about is just as important as knowing what career path you want to pursue. Entrepreneurship is not about finding a specific position at a specific company. An entrepreneur imagines new ways to solve problems and create value with a constant hunger to make things better.

Gaining experience is paramount when building your career. Finding internships in various industries exposes you to different schools of thought and allows you to compare and contrast different industry practices. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can motivate you to push yourself to improve. Connecting with established professionals in your field of interest can allow you to gain valuable insight into what it means to be an entrepreneur. Take advantage of furthering your career through all the resources available at the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center.