Lavin Entrepreneurship Center
What is the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center?
The Lavin Entrepreneurship Center at San Diego State University serves our students, worldwide entrepreneurship researchers, and community mentors through its entrepreneurial programming, competitions, events, conferences, and more.
SDSU and the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center have been recognized for having one of the best entrepreneurial programs in the United States by both Princeton Review and Entrepreneur magazine. In 2018, the Lavin Center was honored with the Nasdaq Center of Entrepreneurial Excellence award by the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurial Centers (GCEC).
The Lavin Entrepreneurship Center's diverse activities include:
- Lavin Entrepreneurship Program – an extracurricular, weekly program designed for SDSU undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in entrepreneurship. Through hands-on experiences, participants are introduced to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and receive career mentoring. Applications open in late spring for the following fall.
- VCIC – Venture Capital Investment Competition is an extracurricular weekly program for SDSU undergraduate investor-curious students to learn about all facets of being an investor. Application opens in the late spring for the following fall. Top 6 selected to compete in a national competition.
- CEEC – The California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference unites top entrepreneurship educators, researchers, and center staff to exchange insights and foster the development of outstanding entrepreneurship programs. Since its inception, the conference has drawn a diverse range of academic professionals from around the world for a few days of productive discussions and collaborative opportunities.
- Social Venture Challenge - a Southern California by-invitation wide competition hosted by SDSU focused on solving big problems with innovative solutions held annually in the spring.

Join SDSU Entrepreneurship Society
CEEC 2025
Join us for the next California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference 2025, April 23-26, 2025
Lavin: Upcoming Events
Tiffany created a gamechanger for all those tired of blistered feet!
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Contact Us
Email us at [email protected]
Cathy Pucher
Executive Director, Entrepreneurship Initiatives[email protected]
Mujtaba Ahsan
Faculty Director[email protected]619-594-3260SSE 3300
Beryl Pratts
Finance and Programs Analyst[email protected]